The Global Ethic?

It's high time that I wrote something! The realization that you're not as interesting as you thought you were is a bit hard to digest. It's been twelve posts so far, and that was all I could come up with. Couple thousand words... After 24 years of life experience... Well, I seek solace in the following idea: it is the quality that matters.


Whatever you believe, I think it all comes down to your behavior towards others. Your social side... Are you a kind person? Do you help other people when they need it? Do you try to stop an injustice or do you just turn your back/close your eyes? Do you encourage people to do good things or do you cause them to do bad ones?

As far as I know, the idea of God is that He (doesn't refer to gender) is all-powerful. He doesn't need anything that you or I do. He can end all the injustice, hunger, misery etc. in the blink of an eye. But it doesn't work that way. We're the ones who should do something. Because all of these bad things are man-made. So all the things that we do because of our religions, all the rituals, must be for our own development (But I'm not saying that after a certain point they become unnecessary). So that we could be kind, honest, compassionate, just etc. So that we could stand against oppression and injustice. If we're fulfilling the requirements of our religions, like rituals etc, and these don't change us in a good way, if these don't make us kinder or make us protect someone who's weak or help someone who's in need, then we're doing it all wrong. All wrong...


I found some coins worth about twenty pounds in the pocket of one of my trousers. Why does this feels so good? I mean, it was my money in the first place. I have no idea, it just feels so good...

In fact, I did a little experiment in the past to re-live this experience. Basically, I put some notes in the pockets of my various clothes. Because you know, coins are not really suitable for this purpose. The weight and sound and all... It's hard to forget about their existence. Anyway, after putting the notes in their places, I tried to forget about them with the hope of finding them later. Mind you, this was a very long time ago! And it didn't work anyways. There is nothing harder than not thinking about something when you're trying not to think about it. The classic example being:

"Don't think about elephants!"

Don't blame me if you keep thinking about them all day! It's just how our brains work, folks... (Is this a British word?)


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