The New Strategy

I was sick the whole weekend. Seriously!? The weekend!? I had plans... No. Well, yes I had. But I don't feel terrible about being sick. I don't enjoy it and do everything that I can to stay healthy; but when the sickness comes I don't complain. One of the reasons is that it makes you stop and think on what you have been doing. It is sometimes a sickness that makes you do this, question yourself; sometimes it is a person. Whatever the cause is, this is something essential and I respect/value the thing/person who causes this, a lot (I'm not happy with this sentence at all).


I hold the people who talk behind someone's back in contempt. When I hear someone doing this, I scowl involuntarily and give the person who is committing this shameful act a disdainful look. I then, either warn the person responsible kindly or take my leave, whichever is suitable for the situation. If you're talking behind someone's back, that means the person who is being talked about is not present; therefore, has no way to defend himself. And it seems to me that this is something a coward would do.


I'm a bit discontented with this blog at the moment. Here is why: first and foremost, the frequency that I post something is vexing at best. Secondly, I don't expand my vocabulary. Trying to tell something different with the same words -the words that I already know, was not the purpose of this blog. I feel like I'm just changing the word order of the same sentence. It's time to change my strategy.

"Men! Muster your courage, pick up your swords and follow me. Let us show these foul creatures that this village is not defenceless. Let us teach them that we're not to be messed with. To war!"

Sorry for that. When I said strategy my mind just took off and wandered in who knows which imaginary realms until it came back to reality. Ahem... Back to the point. Yes, strategy. The new strategy is to note the new words that I come accross when I'm reading and then use them in a post like this one. I think I'm finally at a point to note every word that I don't know. In the past, this would bore me to death because I would have to stop every 10 seconds. Now I think I would be fine. Of course, what I'm reading is important. For example, in the Pride and Prejudice, there are more unknown words for me than there are in, let's say, the Prisoner of Azkaban (All those contempts, scowls, disdainfuls are from the Pride and Prejudice by the way... Ah, love).

Let's see how this one would work out.


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