Fellow Readers

Most of these posts were written on my phone after midnight. I haven't planned them. Something popped into my head and I just started writing, sacrificing my sleep in the process.

The thing that annoys me most about writing on a phone or any other electronic device is that when you don't like what you wrote, there is nothing you can do to get rid of your frustration. I don't know about you but pushing a button to delete everything just doesn't do it for me. If you're writing on a paper however, you have so many options. You can scratch everything, tear out the page and if that's not enough you can wrinkle it up and throw away.

The number of drafts in my phone keeps increasing. I usually start writing thinking what I'm writing is really interesting. Then, somewhere along the way, usually when I finish writing the original idea, I re-read the whole thing and wonder "Why on Earth did I think that this was worth writing!".

I try to make these posts interesting for you, I really do. But the fact that I don't speak a lot, doesn't make things easier. Because writing is essentially a form of speaking. I think I need some practice in speaking. Like, normal speaking. With real people... Well, what's the other option? Don't ask that.

In the most unlikely event that one of you, my fellow readers, don't find my posts here extremely fulfilling, know that these posts are being written with some professional agenda. Therefore, seldom that it (they?) may be, some sacrifices had to be made to ensure that this agenda was followed. Also, the writer of this blog keeps the only right to criticise the content of the blog. But we are open to positive and constructive suggestions. By that I obviously mean, compliments and admirations.

Thank you very much.


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