The Sweet Sleep

Sleep is like a mafia boss or a loan shark. Borrowing is easy, but paying back is painful. You can probably get away with, say, one hour of less sleep. But anything over three hours, he sends his men after you, and they haunt you all day. And they always find you. If you try to elude them, it only gets worse. So they find you, they don't just go away when you pay what you owe. They want to mess you up. And they do. After three hours of sleeping last night, you fall asleep before sunset and after a while you wake up and see the clock, it's 9 pm. You say to yourself "Oh... Great!". You know you won't be able to sleep soon again. You can't actually do anything productive either. Your mind is all fuzzy. So you just sit. You finally go to sleep at 3 am. And all this happens again for couple of days. It's just terrible...


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