To Be or Not to Be a Vegan? That is the Question

To leave or not to leave the EU for Britain? That is the second question. The referandum was today, well, technically it was yesterday, since it's past midnight. And we will learn the result in the morning. I just wanted to have this on the blog, for the records. I'm guessing Bremain... The polls say it's fifty-fifty. But I think, some Brexit people will change their minds. We'll see.
I'm finally getting around to writing another post. The thing is, the whole process of applying to a Master's course in Japan is having far too much effect on me than I would like to admit. I always wanted to be a person who, when he wanted something to happen, did everything he could and then relaxed. Alas! Most of the time, I don't do everything that I need to do and have to live the stress and regret of knowing that it would be my fault, should I fail in my endeavour.
It's not worth it, you know. Nothing's worth this stress. Working freakishly hard and doing everything that needs to be done is actually much easier than to go through this.
Anyway, I know that it's a big thing, a life-changing thing, if you will. But it's not the be all and end all of my academic career. My feeling 'if I get my acceptance, I will be set for life' is not logical at all. But I can't help it. 
I'm not a vegetarian! Never even considered being one. And I think there is nothing wrong about eating an animal, as long as you don't inflict unnecessary pain on them. In a nutshell, their living conditions should be decent and when you kill an animal, you should be quick and avoid any mistreatment. I know that what I just said doesn't make any sense to vegetarians, but you kill the poor thing, they say. But there's killing and there's torture. Anyway, it's a deadlock conversation. I just believe, the animals are there for us to benefit from them, provided we treat them properly. We can't do anything we want with them, they have rights. 

That being said, I almost completely ceased my meat and dairy products consumption. A good friend of mine literally (this word, you shouldn't use correctly) tried to kill me when I told that I liked stakes. He forced me to watch some videos of how the animals are treated in dairy farms. It was horrendous. And I decided, then and there, to be more conscious about this. 
I was disgusted by the things I saw, but wasn't really surprised. Because, I think deep down I knew. I bitterly thought of how ready we are to look the other way about this issue.
Back home, we buy our milk, yogurt and meat from weekly bazaars and from villagers who rear their own animals where the cows and sheep are like a part of the family and treated properly. They are released on (in? at?) wide and open meadows everyday. But most of the meat and dairy products in the supermarkets are not innocent. They are like the embodiment of cruelty. So be more conscious about this issue people. Watch some clips on YouTube, I guarantee that you won't be able to drink milk without feeling like vomiting for quite a while.
To finish or not to finish this post here? Now, that is a good question. So let's finish it, shall we?


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