Stranded in a Dream

I was trying to understand a grammar point, so I typed in “being stranded” and one of the suggestions of the search engine was “being stranded in a dream”. I don’t know about you, but to me this is one of those things that when you hear, it takes you away. I don’t know where it took me, but it made me want to write again. Well, it gave me something to write about is more like it.

When I hear the word “stranded”, I immediately think of an island. A castaway… An annoying monkey throwing coconuts at you up from a palm tree… and a host of other tropical/exotic things. When you’re stranded on an island, there are physical barriers. Water all around you… All you need is a raft and a good wind. But when you’re stranded in a dream… what do you do? How do you get out?


I was looking out the window. I watched the cars pass by down on the main road. Half of the cars were going to the right, and the other half to the left. I wondered, these people see each other. That guy over there... he sees all those other guys on the other side of the road... coming from where he wants to go... and going to the opposite direction... why doesn't he just turn back and follow them? If there were something worthwhile they wouldn't have left that place. Obviously, they didn't find what they were seeking and decided to go see the other way.

Every morning we swarm the streets and go this way and that way looking for stuff. What do we look for? Does anyone find anything?


  1. Every people have somethings to achieve.

    At least they are thinking on "what should I achieve?"

    They want to arrive somewhere, earn something, live something, affect something, be something..

    Or they are escaping from somewhere, want to lose some (annoying) thing or escaping something..

    All are different, in details. But if you can look from a higher level you can see that most people are only living just like animals. All of them are same.

    I witness this is true:
    "Know that the life of this world is only play, and idle talk, and pageantry, and boasting among you, and rivalry in respect of wealth and children..." (Hadid 20)

    That's it. Nothing more.

    But when we can see that this is very temporary and really empty, then we can look for something more permanent and precious. And may Allah helps us to find our way.. If He doesn't guide us, we can never find a way..

    Here is a good fixing from Nouman Ali Khan:

    1. When you look from above, it all looks pointless to me. I'm not saying it is, but it looks so.


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