The Phantom of the Opera

I climbed the long stairs to the balcony and finally I was up there. I had seen the layout of the theatre on the website, so I had an idea as to whereabouts of my seat. There were only three rows in the balcony and my seat was in the last row. I walked towards my seat, but there was someone trying to get out of the row, so I started waiting. That was when I saw her. Sitting on the row in front of me and to the right was a girl of astonishing beauty. She was already looking at me.

I forgot everything.

Who was I? And what was I doing there? I also lost sense of time, so I don't know how long we looked at each other. Only after she turned her face away, I realized that the man I was waiting for was long gone and I was just standing there in the middle of the balcony. I sat on my seat -which was the first in the row. I looked at her again, she was sitting with some other girls, her friends maybe.

I will probably sound too sentimental, but you know the feeling when you see someone for the first time but feel like you've known each other for a long long time? That was how I felt. Like, after an eternity, finally reuniting with someone you love so much.

The musical started:

"Think of me
think of me fondly,
when we've said
Remember me
once in a while
please promise me
you'll try."

Every once in a while, she turned back and looked at me. The effect a simple look can have... To be honest, the idea of falling in love while watching the Phantom of the Opera seems too good to be true.

"Can it be Christine?"


Are you the one I've been waiting for?


I hope I haven't built up expectations, because nothing happened. When the musical finished, I looked at her one last time and left.


  1. That was a beautiful story! You captured the moment very well. :) Thanks for reading my blog!


    1. Thank you, Jana, for the very first comment on this blog :) It really means a lot. I will keep reading!


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