Someone Else's Metro
Don't you love it when you see someone on the public transport trying to read someone else's newspaper on the sly? I do. It makes me laugh. All those manners... No-one wants to get caught doing it, as if it was the ultimate crime. ... It's way past midnight. The window is open. Apparently there is another one somewhere in the house, because the curtain flies frantically. And the room is a bit chilly. I was sleeping actually. I woke up, partly because of the cold and partly because the annoying sound that the curtain makes every now and then. Each time I hear it, I decide, 'alright, the next time I hear it I'll get up and close the window', and start waiting for it. But then I don't hear it. The sound stops. Just when I relieve myself of this stupid sound-hunting quest, and say to myself, 'nevermind, I'll just go to sleep', I hear the infernal sound again. And the whole process repeats. ... Why do we use the verb 'to go' for sleep?...